As the weather improved in the Engadine, we took advantage of the good weather and had two super training sessions outside. Thank you to all of our students who took part.
Congratulations to our students who participated in the Trimmiser cup. We are very proud of you all. Osu!
In preparing for our examinations we had a visit from three of our Senseitachi, Sensei Yves, Sensei Daniel and Sensei Andy, from Trimmis, joined us for training and helped our students to improve on their Kata skills.
We thank them for their visit. Our students enjoyed the training a lot. We had two rounds of examinations this month at our school. The first was a set exams for our adults and children's class in Ardez. All students passed with a great performance. A special congratulations went to Guido who performed extremely well.
On the following class, we had a visit from Sensei Yves who administered the examination for our children's class. The children performed really well and with strong spirits. We were very proud of them all for their hard work. Our adults class saw the passing of two examinations, other adult students came to join them to train and offer their support. Well done to all involved. Osu. Our students had a visit from Sempai Fernando who came to administer an exam before leaving for vacation Cape Verde. I want to take a little time to offer my sincerest thanks to Fernando for all that he has done for our school and for me personally as a student. I first met Fernando back in 2014, I was new to Karate and he was a Yellow belt. Back then he was leading lessons and was beginning to work with Sensei Yves to create our school. Our school was located in Madulain originally and had around 20 students. I took a small break from training at this time and returned in 2018 to begin training again. By then the school had moved to S-Chanf and Ardez and the number of students had grown to around 40 or 50 students. Fernando had invited me to continue to train with him and I remember how motivated he was to see me succeed in Karate. He gave his time generously to help prepare me for exams, helping also with German and always encouraging me to focus on a obtaining a driving licence. On the evening before my last exam in Trimmis, Fernando was working until the early hours of the morning, and he still came with me early in the morning to offer support in the exam. There is a saying in the English language, ‘a person has large shoes to fill.’ This is a reference to the challenge of taking on a new role when the predecessor has done such as excellent job. I will always be grateful to my dear friend Fernando for all his help and support. I know I speak for all of us when I say we wish him lots of happiness for the future and a sincere thank you. I hope to continue, along with Natalia to work hard for our karate school and to keep improving in the spirit of Kyokushin. Osu. On Saturday 17 June, around 500 Kyokushin Karate students from all over the world met at the Thomas Domenig Stadium in Chur to take part in the Trimmister Cup 2023, a full-contact fighting tournament. This event was of special significance as Karate Master Hatsuo Royama from Japan was present.
The students of the Kyokushin Karate Engadin School, enjoyed a successful day. Our students Alex M and Lucas M, both from Zuoz won first place in their fighting categories. In the elite men's category, Aleksandr S. from Zuoz took second place, while Petr M. from Zernez came third. Both students gaining great experience in tournament fighting. Other awards went to Luana, Morena, and Mic, who took part in a full-contact tournament for the first time, and to Lara and Pedro, who bravely returned to take part again. In our Adults class on Friday 2nd June. We took part in a special conditioning exercise where we ran uphill from Zuoz as part of the preparation for sparring. We stopped to engage in press ups, sit ups and technique practice. At the top of the hill, above Zuoz, we practiced the Katas from the first three exams. A great training session with plenty of spirit. Osu!
On the 2nd April we celebrated the seventh anniversary of the founding of our school by Senpai Fernando. Our students met at Ardez for a special examination conducted by Sensei Yves. This was followed by several rounds of sparring. We then celebrated with a BBQ, salad and dessert buffet. We had a series of special awards for students who took their exams. A special mention went to our most senior student Pedro B who was the very first student to join our school when it first open. We have photos of our party in the video below as well as some photos of our school from the last seven years. Osu! |
AuthorKyokushinkai Karate Engadin Archives
January 2025
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